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1    Important notes – please read carefully!

1.1    Intended use of the software

This software is intended to read out and control devices from Hoval AG that are equipped with a TopTronic® E control (hereinafter referred to as TTE devices).
In this sense, reading out means that the parameters and information are read out from TTE devices via the device CAN bus and:
  1. can be displayed to the user on the CAN-Gateway user interface,
  2. can be transmitted to other devices compatible with these communication protocols using the communication protocols available in the software (REST API, MQTT, KNX IP (routing), Modbus TCP),
  3. can be saved on a micro SD card.
Control in the above sense means that this software can change the parameters and information that can be changed in TTE devices via the CAN bus. This change:
  1. can be controlled directly by the user via the user interface or Android app or Windows app
  2. can be controlled by a device connected to this software via one of the communication protocols listed above.
The CAN-Gateway software does not contain any logic that independently initiates changes to the parameters and information in TTE devices.

The software functionalities described above should enable the TTE devices to be integrated into a home automation system.

Which parameters and information can be read out and / or changed depends on the respective TTE device. The functionality of all parameters listed in the following file from Hoval AG is contractually guaranteed: As a rule, it is also possible to read out all parameters that are displayed via a TTE operating module in the "Service" menu for all user levels, but this is not contractually guaranteed.
The software can be applied by running it on a compatible microcontroller. ESP32 dual-core microcontrollers from Espressif ( are compatible. In addition, a compatible wiring of the microcontroller must be available. Among other things, this wiring must enable the necessary power supply for the microcontroller as well as the connection of the physical interfaces such as CAN bus and Ethernet. To use the SD card functionality, an SD card slot must be connected to the microcontroller. The wiring must be based on one of the three reference examples:
a.    CAN gateway hardware V5, as described in the operating instructions
c.    Olimex ESP32-EVB (-EA) development board Rev. I, see
According to these reference examples, the software is offered in three variants: a, b and c. When ordering, the customer must choose one of the three options.
For performance reasons, it is possible to use/activate only one communication protocol (MQTT, KNX IP, REST-API) or data storage on an SD card at the same time. Although parallel use is theoretically possible, it can lead to performance problems and is therefore not guaranteed.

1.2    Hazard warnings

WARNING: This software is based on the analysis of the communication between TTE devices and not on official information from the device manufacturer. It must be assumed that the analysis is incomplete, faulty and cannot be applicable to all devices and their versions, especially future versions. Therefore, the use of this software with safety-critical TTE devices must be supervised. As safety-critical those TTE devices are meant, in which errors in the control can lead to damage to people, the environment, other devices, buildings etc. Supervised means that this device and all TTE devices connected to it must be constantly monitored by a person who, based on their training or experience, is able to recognize errors and, if necessary, switch off all TTE devices within a few seconds. This particularly expressly, but not exclusively, applies to combustion heating appliances.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Hoval AG itself sells gateways for the connection of its TTE devices to the home automation systems via KNX or ModBus RTU / TCP buses / protocols. The provider of this CAN-Gateway software recommends productive usage of those gateways from Hoval AG with safety-critical TTE devices.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The usage of this software in connection with TTE devices may lead to the guarantee and warranty claims for these TTE devices being void. The user of this software is responsible for checking the existence of corresponding clauses in the documentation for his TTE device and the legal situation in his country.
WARNING: This software allows changing parameters of the TTE devices. This software does not check whether the change of the parameters is meaningful and harmless for the operation of the TTE device and other associated TTE devices and other systems as well as for users and operating personnel of these TTE devices and systems, also for the environment and the building where these devices and thus connected systems are installed. As a user of the software, you must be very careful with parameter changes and only allow and directly or indirectly control those parameterizations whose purpose you fully understand and whose harmlessness for the operation of the TTE device and other associated TTE devices and other systems as well as for users and operating personnel of these TTE devices and systems, also for the environment and the building where these devices and thus connected systems are installed.
WARNING: If you use the microcontroller on which this software is installed in your WiFi or LAN network, you must ensure that no unauthorized people gain access to this network, as everyone with access to your network can access the CAN-Gateway Software without restrictions.
WARNING: The microcontroller on which this software is installed must be physically inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Everyone who has physical access to the microcontroller can easily read out the information stored on it, including your settings and passwords.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any use of the CAN-Gateway software other than described above is not intended and leads to an exclusion of warranty and liability.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Every change and modification of the software by the user leads to a warranty and liability exclusion of the software provider.

1.3    Liability of the software producer and the provider

The software producer and the software provider are liable for errors in the CAN-Gateway software in accordance with the statutory provisions of the German sales law (§§ 434 ff. BGB). In the event of slight negligence, the software producer and the software provider are only liable in the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as in the event of personal injury in accordance with the German Product Liability Act (“Produkthaftungsgesetz”). Incidentally, the pre-contractual, contractual and non-contractual liability of the software producer and the software provider is limited to intent and gross negligence, whereby the limitation of liability also in the case of the fault of a vicarious agent of software producer or provider applies.

The liability of the software producer and the software provider is completely excluded in the following cases:
  1. An error and the resulting direct and / or indirect damages or injuries are caused by a defective execution of the software, e.g. due to defective hardware or due to external influences on the hardware (mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic or other type).
  2. An error and the resulting direct and / or indirect damages or injuries are caused by incorrect usage of the software, including, for example, the initiation of inappropriate, incorrect or even dangerous parameter changes by the user. This includes direct control through the user interface, via Android or Windows app, or indirect control in cases where the user has programmed or set other devices in such a way that they cause the parameters to be changed using a communication protocol via CAN-Gateway software.
  3. An error and the resulting direct and / or indirect damages or injuries are caused by other reasons for which the software producer and software provider are not responsible.

1.4    Binding of the software to a MAC address specified by the customer

This software, with the exception of the demo version, is linked to a MAC address of the WiFi module of the ESP32 microcontroller specified by the customer. This means that the software has its full range of functions only on the microcontroller with this MAC address.
The customer has the right to transfer the software to another microcontroller with a different MAC address (hereinafter referred to as transfer). To do this, he must contact the software provider by email, telephone or post and request the transfer. The MAC address of the old microcontroller and the MAC address of the new microcontroller (of their WiFi module) must be provided by the customer. The software provider will process the request within 10 working days. After commissioning the software on the new microcontroller, the customer must completely delete the software on the old microcontroller as well as any backup copies of the software that he may still have.
If a customer requests the transfer of the software often than once a year, he must provide a plausible explanation. If there is justified suspicion of misuse and infringement of the software provider's copyrights, the software provider can refuse to transfer the software.